Friday 23 October 2015

Friday's Assignment - Janice

Vocabulary. Obesity - Excess body fat has accumulated to the extend. Epidemic - The rapid spread of infections disease to large number of people in a given population within a short period of time Weight - The amount or quantity of heaviness or mas Eliminate - Completely remove or get rid of (something) Consume - Eat, drink, ingest or buy (food, drink or something). Harmful - Causing or likely to cause harm. Best interest- good preference Impact- influence Nutrition- the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans. Antioxidants- 2 - My own unhealthy habits: 1. Bad eating habits - Becouse i just arrived, i haven't got used to the Canada's food. But i will and i need to improve my nutrition. 2. No physical activity - Canada is a cold country and Canada's sports are different of my country. But i need to adapt and find some sports that I like.

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