Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment - 17/11/2015

What's better than a portfolio and a printed resume? How about a video resume?
More better than a portifolio and a printed resume is your video resume. This is because in your video resume you can show your qualities and what you are able to do. In your video resume, the company will see who you are and if you are ready for work.
Interesting? Interested? Here are more samples.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role Play: Preparing Your Video Resume
Audio was recorded by Fabio on Chirb.

  1. Take dictation from 0:32 - 0:41 of this video, check with a partner, and then record your own Youtube introduction.
Hi, my name is Jen.
I'm currently seeking for opportunities in retail fashion.
Thank you for taking the time to review my resume.
Please do get in touch.

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