Wednesday 25 November 2015

Wednesday's Assignment - 2015 - 25 -11

What should fathers do in the home? Mothers? Kids? Do you believe in clear gender roles?

Discuss with a partner what might be a good caption here.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Being a Stay-at-Home Dad
Follow below the audio recorded on chirbit:
  1. Using the vocabulary learned, write 6 sentences describing family roles and responsibilities in your country of origin.
  • stay-at-home dad
  • laid off
  • full-time
  •  to put it that way
  • caretaker
  • household chores
  • feminist
  • sensibilities
  • radical lifestyles
  • changing up gender roles
  • nowadays
  • recipes
V1 - When i came to Canada, me and my wife didn't have a jobs. So i stayed at home with my kids like a stay-at-home-dad. I'm looking for a full time job and if i get a job i  won't be a caretaker of my kids. 
To put it that way, i don't like changing up gender roles though nowadays some people have a radical lifestyles.
My wife isn't a feminist but she has sensibilities and i think she would like if i do the household chores and cook some recipes for our family.

V2 - When came to Canada, I and my wife didn't have a jobs. So I stayed at home with my kids like a stay-at-home-dad. I'm looking for a full time job and if I get a job I  won't be a caretaker of my kids. 
To put it that way, I don't like changing up gender roles though nowadays some people have a radical lifestyles.
My wife isn't a feminist but she has sensibilities and I think she would like if I do the household chores and cook some recipes for our family.
  1. Cross-check with a classmates before publishing.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment - 2015 - 24 - 11

Tuesday's Assignment

So, here's something to do before some of you move on to Workplace English ... Was it hard coming to Canada? Yes, it's hard coming to Canada because you have to prove your financial and social capacity.  Is it hard trying to become a citizen? Yes, it's hard because because you have to wait for 5 years to become a canadian citzen.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Watch this video, and take dictation from 0:52 to 1:34. Then listen with a partner, and make corrections before publishing.
We need to ensure, that a Canada is a country a there is a excepting refugee who are fleeing persecution a from all sources and different reasons a with commute to working to ensure a that, those application process in a responsible and speedy fashion but we know there are other ways to doing that. They simply a slapping a Mexican visa. They hurts Canadian tourism. They hurts relations with our continent or partner. Inquire Franklin a hurt economy grow with NAFTA a Canada needs to do right.
    1. In the article, locate the six bullet points listing changes in immigration policy.
The six bullet points in immigration policy are:
  • Double the family reunification limits.
  • Raising the maximum age for dependants to 22.
  • Gives spouses immigrating to Canada immediate permanent residency.
  • Make it easier for potential immigrants to come to the country if they already have Canadian siblings.
  • remove the visa requirements for Mexican visitors.
    1. In a group of 3 or 4, discuss these points.
  1. Create a short instructional on the appeal process for family sponsorship. Read and record a chirbit in your voice for your partner oftheir writing from Monday morning's assignment. Allow them to publish the audio link on their blog, and vice versa.

Monday 23 November 2015

Monday's Assignment - 23/11/2015

What's your family like? My family came together to Canada. Me, my wife and my two kids come in the same time.  Immigrants often travel as families or try to reunify their families at a later time.The most of immigrants try to reunify their families at a later time because is more easy start a new life in Canada alone. After the first family's member getting a job and renting a apartment is more easy the others come to Canada. What is the process for sponsoring family members to Canada? The process for sponsoring family members is to be a responsible for the other member of your family her in Canada. Financially and civilly. We start on the weekly theme of family relationships with the following flowchart:

Chart: Sponsorship Appeal Process

Here are your tasks:
  1. CLB 5 R Interpret a simple chart to explain a familiar government process (such as how a law is passed). Write 8 or more sentences about how the above process works.
Hello Joseph, i hope this email find you well.
I'll try explain how you can apply for the Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.
Your first step is apply all of your documentation to CIC including sponsors data. If you have any doubt about this documentation you can access the site
After your first step and apply your sponsor documentation, you have to wait the answer  of the CIC.
If your apply is allowed you can go ahead in your PR process.
If your apply is dismissed you have to wait more 30 days to reapply.

I hope this information can be good for you.

Best regards.

    1. Try to use passive verbs in the present tense, e.g. If your application is accepted, you do not need to reapply, or Next, the appeal is considered by the CIC.
    2. Check your sentences with a partner before posting.
  1. Compare this process with that in your country of origin. Add 2 - 3 sentences. What are some major differences?
Comparing the brazilian process of immigration whe can see similar things.
Basically you must prove  you have money to invest in Brazil or you have a job. If you have one of this two conditions you can apply for brazilian work visa or brazilian permanent resident visa.
The documentation of this applications you can find on the site

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Wednesday's Assignment - 11_18_2015

Wednesday's Assignment

What are some important terms in a job interview?

The most important terms in a job interview are words who can show yours skills and show that are you ready for work.
I majored in, I graduated as, engaged in extensive extra-curricular activities, meeting targets, team player, results driven are some import terms in a job interview.

Jobseeking Phrases Explaining Why You Want This Job
With it you can raise your chance to get a job.
Good luck

Here are your tasks on the language of employment:
  1. Role play: Practise aloud at least 3 sets of dialogue.
Folow bellow the dialogue recorded on chirbt:

Chirbit audio:

Chirbit audio:
  1. Practise one of them with a partner, and create a youtube wefie together.
  2. Make sure you have registered for tomorrow’s job fair.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

John Hamm Resume

Follow bellow the John Hamm's resume link.

Follow bellow the resume corrected link.

Tuesday's Assignment - 17/11/2015

What's better than a portfolio and a printed resume? How about a video resume?
More better than a portifolio and a printed resume is your video resume. This is because in your video resume you can show your qualities and what you are able to do. In your video resume, the company will see who you are and if you are ready for work.
Interesting? Interested? Here are more samples.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Role Play: Preparing Your Video Resume
Audio was recorded by Fabio on Chirb.

  1. Take dictation from 0:32 - 0:41 of this video, check with a partner, and then record your own Youtube introduction.
Hi, my name is Jen.
I'm currently seeking for opportunities in retail fashion.
Thank you for taking the time to review my resume.
Please do get in touch.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

How do students classify themselves in their country of origin? Do they have a term for poor or rich students? Or smart or silly ones? Or fat or skinny ones? How do you feel about calling or being called a name? How's the situation here in North America? Have you talked to a schoolkid in Canada lately?

Here are your tasks:
  1. Vocabulary: Getting Childcare
    1. Listen, and work on pronunciation--speak out loud. (If you need text-to-speech, try these resources.)
    2. Read aloud while a partner checks your pronunciation.
  1. Role play: Types of Students
  1. Take dictation from 2:23 through 3:05 of this video.
So we talk about building sexual activity in to way child personal plan.
But, this is 13 years old kids. Why are we telling 13 years old kids?
There is appropriate to make plans for sexual activity? Is actually illegal for 13 years old kids to have sex.
It's call statutory rape.
Why we would tell them they can make plans they do so and this is unpolitical opinion. This is call instruction. Evidence basics instruction. This is not about science or about facts.
This is about encouraging activate the children of 10 years became a available.
It's call groman.
  1. Using 10 of the words/expressions you learnt today, write an email to a friend overseas about school life in Canada.
Hi Joseph, long time no see!
I'm writing this e-mail to tell you about the school life in Canada.
I have two kids. One, the bigger one is Pedro and he has 4 years old. The other one is Bernardo and he has 2 years old.
Both are in the school now. 
Pedro and Bernardo are going to preschool from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. 
Every day i let them in his school. I drop them off on my way to English classes.
They like so much because there, they can play with other kids and learning English. The other kids are different because they are from different countries and they have other mores. But this is very good for Pedro and Bernardo because here they can learn about a lot of countries and peoples around the world.
Sometimes it's hard because every thing is new for the kids. But every day they can learn and play more. 
Day after day the Canada becomes our home.

I hope this e-mail describe my feelings and thoughts.

My best.


    1. Begin your email with "Hi __________, Long time no see!"
    2. In the first paragraph, write 3 sentences describing the children and the culture.
    3. In the second paragraph, write 3 sentences describing your thoughts and feelings.
    4. Don't forget to sign off.

Friday 6 November 2015

Friday's Assignment - 06/11/2015

Imagine that you had an unforgettable tenant named Jimmy. How much would you ask Jimmy to leave as a deposit for renting your apartment. What would you do if Jimmy left a big hole in the kitchen wall and damaged your stove, refrigerator, and living room carpet?

If i have a unforgettable tenant like Jimmy, I will ask to him to leave two months as a deposit. And if him left a big hole in the kitchen wall and damaged my stove, refrigerator, and living room carpet, I would use the Jimmy's deposit to repair all this things. If the Jimmys's deposit were not sufficient, I would go up to the court.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Reading and discussion with a partner: CLEO on Damage and FMTA's FAQ.
    1. Share with your partner one surprising finding from each document.
I found something interesting in this articles:
- There are rules about your heating and you ac. 
- There are recommendations about how you can break your lease.

2. Write a short email of about 50 words of your own advising a friend on what to do in a tough situation as a tenant.

Hello Joseph, i hope this e-mail finds you well.
I received your e-mail about your problems with your landlord. I think about that and I researched on the internet and found some alternatives to you.
You can ask for help on Federation of Metro Tenants Associations (FMTA). They have a lot of solutions about every problems between tenants and landlords. 
Visit the website
After your search, you will know how to solve your tenant problems.

I hope it helped.

My best.


 3. Role play: Getting the Deposit Back

Thursday 5 November 2015

Thursday's Assignment

Can a tenant get kicked out? What, if any, circumstances could make this happen? Discuss this with a partner.
- Yes, the tenant get kicked out when he doesn't  pay the rent for a long time or the tenant broke the rules and does something wrong in the apartment.

                                        Does this picture look familiar? What's the story behind it? Is the cartoon funny, and if so, why?
The picture look familiar because is the history of three little pigs. The history behind is a lesson about responsibility. The cartoon is funny because the wolf is a landlord and is using his power to  take the pigs.
  1. Reading: Fighting an Eviction
    1. Find 3 or more interesting/surprising facts and list them in your own words on your blog.
My interesting/surprising facts are:

- If you landlord wants evict you, he needs to follow some rules to do that. The first one is report the tenant to court.
- After this report, the process will be open and both (tenant and landlord) will have the chance to defend himself.
- Throughout the process the two sides is supported  and advised to find the better way.
  1. Role play: Eviction Notice
    1. Identify phrases that are most useful and could be used in other situations, and practise them more, aloud.
    2. With a partner create a chirbit on eviction or record another conversation based on your useful phrases.
This audio was recorded by Fabio and Coco.
Chirbit link:

3. Write an email to your telephone company about a late payment. If you have the time, try writing a warning letter from a telephone company to a delinquent subscriber.

To who may concern,

My name is Fabio and my phone number is 4164565467 and i need 5 more days to pay my bill.
I'm sorry about that but i had some financial problems and i couldn't pay the bill.

Thank you very much.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Calling the Landlord to Report a Leak -Regular and Jumping exercise

This audio is from the website:

Follow the audios below:
Regulart -
Jumping -

Wednesday's Assignment - New Vocabulary

New Vocabulary:

1. tenant
I'm a new tenant in this condo.
Some tenant don't know how to speak with them landlord.

2. blaring
The rock and roll music is blaring loud in my car.
The music of my sun's room is blaring around my house.
3. collect
Yesterday, the landlord of my apartment sent a collector to recieve my rent.
4. property
I have my own property in Brazil.

5. drifting
The smell of this dog, drifting for everywhere in this condo.

6. livestock
This is a livestock region. Here you can create animals.

7. military
The military forces are strong and powerful in Canada.

8. kidding
Are you kidding with me?

9. certainly
Certainly not. I'm not kidding with you.

10. signed
I didn't have signed the rental agreement. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Scheduling an Apartment Viewing

This is the link of conversation:

Follow the conversations:


Pathways To Bridging Programs - Post Secondary Education and Careers

V1 - Last Friday, me and my classmates were in York university to participate of Bridging Programs. It was amazing becouse there's a lot of speakers and seminars to introduce the newcomers in the labour and study. For me, it was a very great experience becouse i could understand how is the better way to improve my skills. Canada is a nice country prepared to recieve immigrants. There's a lot of programns to newcomers. Thank Joseph for this opportunity.

V2 -  Last Friday, my classmates and I were in York University to participate of the Bridging Programs. It was amazing because there's a lot of speakers and seminars to introduce the newcomer and help to get a job and find a study program. For me, it was a very great experience because I could understand how is the better way to improve my skills. Canada is a nice country prepared to receive immigrants. There's a lot of opportunities to newcomers. I thank Joseph for this opportunity.

Friday 23 October 2015

Indirect Request by Fabio and Somaya

Friday's Assignment - Janice

Vocabulary. Obesity - Excess body fat has accumulated to the extend. Epidemic - The rapid spread of infections disease to large number of people in a given population within a short period of time Weight - The amount or quantity of heaviness or mas Eliminate - Completely remove or get rid of (something) Consume - Eat, drink, ingest or buy (food, drink or something). Harmful - Causing or likely to cause harm. Best interest- good preference Impact- influence Nutrition- the branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans. Antioxidants- 2 - My own unhealthy habits: 1. Bad eating habits - Becouse i just arrived, i haven't got used to the Canada's food. But i will and i need to improve my nutrition. 2. No physical activity - Canada is a cold country and Canada's sports are different of my country. But i need to adapt and find some sports that I like.

Thursday 22 October 2015



Tuesday 20 October 2015

David Baskeyfield Concerts

Yesterday i and my english classes friends went in Roy Thomson Hall to see the David Baskeyfield Organ Concerts. The Roy Thomson Hall is a beautiful place in downtown toronto to see operas and concerts. Some mondays in a month has a free noon hour where artists show their abilities. The David's concert was amazing becouse is incredible the David's ability to play organ. He's a britsh younger guy but have a lot of experience and play around the world. His music makes the world better becouse reproduce peace and tranquility. I'm glad of this oportunity and thank very much our teacher for invited us.